Internal Files

Enrich and expand your monitoring process with internal files in SAVOIRR. These files allow you to connect official data with your own insights, creating a centralised space that contains all the data you need. This makes it easier to collaborate effectively with your team and share the insights you collect individually.

Internal files are custom items that allow you to collect and document your insights on official procedures and share them with your team within the company in SAVOIRR. You can create your own set of templates in the company settings, which will be available to you or the whole team.

Create a template for an internal file

You can define all the templates you and your team need in the company menu under Internal files. Here you can define the name, visibility and mandatory fields of the template you want to create.

You can create as much templates as you need.

Once you define the icon and name of your template, the modal shows the mandatory fields (which are grayed out) and optional fields that you can add or leave out of the template, e.g. Status, Stage and Attachments.

After you are done with your selection, click on Save template.

Create an internal file

To create a new internal file,

  1. Go to the left side bar menu and click on Create new.
  2. Click on New internal file.
  3. Choose a template and confirm.
  4. Fill in the required fields with the relevant information for this file.
  5. Assign one or several tags to the file, if needed.

When finished, click Save to save the file.

Search, edit and delete your internal files

You can find your internal files under the "Internal files" tab in the "Research" menu. Here you can also add more tags, use the quickview function for a brief overview or open the internal file.

To edit or delete an internal file, follow these steps:

  1. Open the file.
  2. Click the three dots in the upper right corner.
  3. Select Edit to open the edit modal, where you can modify all fields.
  4. Alternatively, choose Delete to remove the file.

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